PPS34にてBest Poster Paper Awardを受賞 (引間,袖長)
引間助教と袖長美南海(M2)が,The 34th Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-34, Taipei, Taiwan, 21-25 June 2018 )にてBest Poster Paper Awardを受賞しました.
“Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Imaging of Absorption and Birefringence in Injection Molded Polymer Product” Ryoki Mitsui, *Yuta Hikima, Masahiro Ohshima (2018年3月修士卒の三井くんの研究内容です)
“Effect of Hydrophobic-modified Cellulose Nanofibers on Crystallization Behavior of Polypropylene” *Minami Sodenaga, Yuta Hikima, Megumi Ando, Masahiro Ohshima
同会議ではLong Wang 特定助教,M2の肥塚智也も参加し,口頭発表を行いました.