Yuta & Yuya both won the Poster Prize!/APCChE 2019にてPoster賞をダブル受賞!(M2 坂中・M1 飯田)

Yuta Sakanaka & Yuya Iida both won the Excellent Poster Award in 18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE 2019) (September 23-27,Sapporo). Congraturations, Yuta & Yuya!

PD268 "Fabrication and characterization of metal-organic framework (MOF) membranes on hollow fibers"
○ Yuya Iida,Satoshi Watanabe,Yasuyuki Yamane, and Minoru T. Miyahara

PJ342 "Development of non-isothermal detailed column model for high-performance gas separation system using phase change materials"
○ Yuta Sakanaka, Tatsumasa Hiratsuka, Shotaro Hiraide, Hideki Tanaka, and Minoru T. Miyahara


18th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress (APCChE 2019) (September 23-27,Sapporo)にて修士課程2回生 坂中 勇太君,修士課程1回生 飯田 裕也君がポスター賞を受賞しました。おめでとう!
