Homare and Hiroto won the Excellent Poster Award! / APT2021にてポスター賞を受賞!!(M2 有馬,吉田)

Homare Arima and Hiroto Yoshida were both awarded the Exellent Poster Award for their presentations at The 8th Asian Particle Technology (APT2021, October 11-14, Osaka and Online). Congratulations!!


The 8th Asian Particle Technology(APT2021, 10月11日–14日,大阪とオンラインのハイブリッド開催)にて修士2回生 有馬 誉君と吉田泰斗君がポスター賞をダブル受賞しました。

P6-12 "Slacking of gate adsorption on metal-organic frameworks by molding and its dependence on degree of structural deformation"
○Homare Arima・Shotaro Hiraide・Minoru T. Miyahara

P6-17 "Synthesis of Ru-Pd alloy nanoparticles using microreactor"
○Hiroto Yoshida・Satoshi Watanabe・Minoru T. Miyahara

Homare Arima/ 有馬くん

Hiroto Yoshida/ 吉田くん
