School education system in Japan

Japanese education system

Japanese school system is called the 6-3-3 system or 6-3-3-4 system. Six-year elementary school education and 3-year junior high school education are compulsory. The elementary school starts at an age of six. Public elementary and junior high schools do not require any entrance examinations. Some private elementary and junior high schools are operated as lower schools of private universities or high schools.

Most students who graduate from junior high schools enter (senior) high schools. They must take the entrance examinations.

Critical examinations are imposed to those who want to enter colleges and universities. Some students go to preliminary schools for one year or more, before winning the entrace examinations to the colleges and universities.

Kyoto is a very academic city. We have more than 30 universities including colleges and junior colleges in Kyoto City. A number of national universities such as Kyoto University and Kyoto Insititute of Technology are located in Kyoto.

Kyoto University - Department of Chemical Engineering
Most recent update: Dec 9, 1999