Katsuaki Tanabe

Profile: Received his B.Eng. (2001) and M.Eng. (2003) in Chemical Engineering from the University of Tokyo, and his M.S. (2005) in Applied Physics and Ph.D. (2008) in Materials Science from California Institute of Technology. He was a project assistant professor (2008-2011) and a project associate professor (2011-2015) at the Institute for Nano Quantum Information Electronics, University of Tokyo, and has been an associate professor (2015-2024) and a professor (2024-) in the Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University.

Gottfried Wagener Prize, German Innovation Award (2017)
Funai Academic Award (2016)
Young Scientists' Prize, Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2015)
IEICE Electronics Society Laser-Quantum Electronics (LQE) Young Researchers Award (2012)
Japanese Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) Young Scientist Presentation Award (2011)
Electronic Materials Symposium (EMS) Award (2009)
Best Student Presentation Award, IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) (2008)

Email: tanabe[at]cheme.kyoto-u.ac.jp